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雷斯尼克体育 is a Division of the Law Offices of Aaron Resnick, P.A. 体育和娱乐是价值数十亿美元的企业,需要商业判断和法律技能来支持独特的创造性努力. The Firm has represented over 80 current and former professional athletes from the National Football League, Major League Baseball and the National Basketball Association. 体育法是一个总括性术语,用于描述业余和职业体育界的法律问题. 体育 law overlaps substantially with 劳动法合同法, competition or antitrust law, and tort law. Issues like 财富保值, defamation and privacy rights are also an integral aspect of sports law.

See article about Aaron Resnick at “The 迈阿密 Sun Post”.

雷斯尼克体育 views making a living as an athlete or entertainer as a business. 在瑞斯尼克体育,竞技宝体育竞猜保护竞技宝体育竞猜的客户,并确保他们了解他们与代理签订的商业关系的法律方面, 团队, 赞助商, 制作公司, 图书出版商, 经理, music clubs and record companies.

雷斯尼克体育' lawyers work closely with firm-wide colleagues practicing in corporate, 知识产权, 刑事, 财富保值, 劳动, 公共财政, 建设, hospitality and 房地产 law to tailor solutions to clients' specific concerns. The Firm work closely with their clients and their respective agents, 财务顾问和业务经理帮助确保他们的客户得到充分的保护,一周365天每天24小时都有法律代表. The Firm has locations in Florida and in New York, and is able to represent athletes throughout the country.

The attorneys at the Firm honed their experiences at the top law firms in the United States, and provide athletes with weekly consolations, as well as comprehensive legal representation in all areas of the law including but not limited to 合同工作商业纠纷房地产刑事辩护遗产规划 (wills, trusts, and estates), asset preservation/protection planning税收争议 and all forms of transactional law.

Monthly Retainer Services for Legal Representation

本所每月向客户收取少量费用,为客户提供24小时的法律代理和咨询服务, 并显著降低时薪和额外工作的固定费用,这可能是其代表客户的必要.


The Firm has extensive relationships across the Country and internationally thought its affiliated companies, clients and contacts to provide additional benefits to its clients. The Firm constantly provides its clients with additional opportunities to support the image, well being and financial security of its clients. The Firm's contacts permit its clients access to numerous 事件, 社会, 文化, 慈善, 和政治, which allow its clients to further their careers and in some instances derive additional financial benefits.

24 Hour Personal Assistant and Concierge Service

该公司为其运动员提供24小时私人助理和礼宾服务,作为其代表的一部分. This service provides the Firm's athlete clients access to hotels, 事件, 方, car services and traditional VIP concierge services.

Our understanding of pro sports, and our commitment to innovation, 完整性, and advocacy has proven effective in protecting our clients. Our sports practice group is available to represent athletes in all sports, including but not limited to, 美国橄榄球联盟, NHL, 大联盟, NBA, 美国网球和美国职业足球大联盟.

Exemplar of Services for Athletes: Estate & 资产保护计划 – Summary

One of the main areas of our Firm's practice is estate and asset protection planning. 本文将总结上述体育竞猜,并讨论由本公司代表为运动员提供的典型服务. 请注意,本协议所提供的信息仅供讨论之用,任何一方不得将其作为本所提供的法律意见. 请进一步注意,这只是对房地产和资产保护规划相关体育竞猜的“皮毛”进行简要总结.

基本的房地产计划. A basic estate plan would consist of the advice related to and the preparation of a last will and testament, 可撤销的生前信托, a durable power of attorney, a medical health care directive and a living will. 遗愿和遗嘱是一种法律文书,通过它,一个人可以书面陈述他或她在死后管理他或她的事务的愿望. 可撤销的生前信托是一种法律文书,通过它,一个人可以书面陈述他或她的愿望,不仅是在他或她死后管理他或她的事务,而且在他或她的有生之年, 从而为可能出现的丧失工作能力的情况进行规划,并制定程序,以避免法院在人死后介入其事务, as a trust is not subject to court administration or “probate.“持久的委托书是金融的目的,是一种法律文书,用于指定一个或多个个人行为代表“许多”的金融和商业目的如果说人变得无法这么做基于一个无能或其他情况. 医疗保健指令是一种法律文书,用于指定一名或多名个人,在该人因丧失能力或其他原因而无法作出所有医疗决定时,代表该人作出所有医疗决定. A living will is a legal instrument used, 如果是想要, 指当一个人正遭受晚期或末期状态或处于持续的植物状态时,他是否希望人工地或无限期地活着. There are many other legal instruments that can be utilized to form part of one's basic estate plan, such as but not limited to a preneed guardian, 有限的授权委托书, 住所声明书, 等. 大多数涉及基本遗产计划的文件将确保一个人的事务得到妥善管理,他的“遗产”的继承人得到他们的继承权, 但是,如果一个人的遗产要缴纳上述遗产税,那么它在联邦和/或州潜在的遗产税节省方面的总体影响就不足了, 除了确保所有适当的遗产税抵免和豁免最大限度地减少在一个人死亡时应缴的遗产税.

房地产税收筹划. In addition to one's basic 遗产规划 documentation, 公司提供了更先进的文件,以进一步减少联邦和/或州遗产税对一个人的死亡的影响. 一些文件,如拥有个人人寿保险政策的不可撤销信托(通常被称为“ILIT”)和授予人保留年金信托(通常被称为“GRAT”)将使某些资产或价值免于缴纳遗产税 ,然而,一些文件,如创建和使用企业实体会利用潜在的方法来贴现一个人的资产价值,以应对遗产税(通常被称为“家庭有限合伙”或“FLP”). 当然, there are many types of documents and methods by which to minimize, 减少和, 在有限的情况下, 消除遗产税,将某人的资产从遗产税和赠与税的课税对象中除去或折价.

资产保护计划. In addition to one's basic and advanced 遗产规划 documentation, the Firm provides services to protect one's assets, 尽可能地, from the claims of creditors, 包括配偶. 不用说,竞技宝体育竞猜生活在一个爱打官司的社会,不仅一个法律判决可能是昂贵和毁灭性的,而且与诉讼相关的法律费用也可能是如此. 有些文件在性质上是基本的(例如准备和使用诸如有限责任公司和合伙企业等实体来拥有某些资产),而有些文件则要先进得多(例如准备和使用国内和/或国外酌情挥入性资产保护信托)。. Some of the basic documentation, 如果实施得当, should protect one's principal assets from the claims and judgments of future unforeseen creditors, and some of the more advanced documentation, 如果实施得当, 是否应该保护一个人的主要资产,以及从未来不可预见的债权人的索赔和判决中获得的收入. The level and extent of one's asset protection planning will vary based on the nature and extent of one's assets, and is custom tailored to one's specific needs.

婚姻计划. In addition to the foregoing, the Firm provides clients with a premarital agreement (“prenup”) or a post marital agreement (“postnup”). Such agreements mix concepts of 遗产规划 and asset protection planning. We custom tailor such agreements to meet one's specific needs.


We serve clients throughout Florida including those in the following localities: 迈阿密-Dade County including Aventura, 迈阿密, 科勒尔盖布尔斯, Doral, 是海里, 家园, 肯德尔, 比斯坎湾, 迈阿密海滩, 迈阿密湖, 北迈阿密, Tamiami, 威彻斯特, and North 迈阿密海滩; Broward County including Fort Lauderdale, 好莱坞, 库珀的城市, 珊瑚泉, Hallandale海滩, 奥克兰公园, 彭布罗克松树, 种植园, and Weston; and Palm Beach County including West Palm Beach


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